Date: 12/06/2020
Location: 60 Frederick Street, Kitchener and 652 Princess St, Kingston
Subject: Heat Stress Safety Information
Hello All,
Warm weather is now upon us. Temperature and humidity levels have been on the rise consistently. All our personnel working on site are at constantly at risk of heat related illnesses.
Heat related illnesses include heat rash, sun burn, heat cramps, fainting, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Heat related illnesses can also cause fatalities. Symptoms of heat related illnesses are: Fever (40 degrees Celsius or greater), Altered mental state (confusion, forgetfulness, slurred speech), hot and dry skin or heavy sweating, nausea and vomiting, flushed skin, rapid heart rate, headache and fainting.
Please utilize these strategies to protect yourself and your personnel from heat related illnesses:
· When possible, avoid working in areas directly exposed to the sun
· Take frequent breaks
· Use sunscreen that is at least 15 SPF
· Cover up with garments / hat
· Increase fluid intake (Recommended consumption of approximately 250 ML every half hour)
· Avoid alcohol and excess caffeine
· Watch over your coworkers for symptoms of heat related illnesses and take appropriate steps
Steps to take if you suspect heat related illness:
· Get cool water for the individual to drink
· Expose the individual directly to a fan or air conditioner
· Place ice packs or cool wet towels on the neck, armpits and groin
· If symptoms are severe take the individual to a cool, shaded area immediately and immerse them in water or spray water onto their skin
· If the individual is unconscious call 911 and contact the available certified first aider on site
Hemant Thawani
Health and Safety Manager