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Writer's pictureIN8 Construction

Updated: The definition of Close Contact

Date: 20/04/2020

Location: 60 Frederick St, Kitchener and 652 Princess St, Kingston

Hello All,

We are closely monitoring recommendations being made by Public Health of Ontario during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have now updated the self assessment tool in a manner that significantly expands the grounds for self isolation. According to the website if someone is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms they must: (a) Stay at home for 14 days after the beginning of symptoms. (b) Tell people to self-isolate if you were in close contact with them in the 2 days before your symptoms began.

The close contact definition has now been expanded to- a face to face conversation for 15 minutes or being in the same room for 2 hours.

As a result of the change in definition, if a worker has symptoms then all individuals that this particular worker came in close contact with will have to self-isolate. Hence, we would encourage all your personnel to be mindful of who they come in contact with at all times. Also, please encourage your workers to minimize face to face conversation or working in the same room with other individuals for more than 2 hours.

Our goal is to minimize close contact between the workers to ensure the safety of individuals on site.

We appreciate your cooperation in helping us tackle the spread of COVID-19 and ensure the health, safety and wellness of all our personnel.

Please let us know if you have any questions or suggestions.


Hemant Thawani - Health and Safety Manager

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